A GI team added $6M in capacity improving from 23 minutes late per case to 10 minutes early
Streamlining clinical trial operational overhead at a multi-location, community-based hospital system
Webinar – Optimize Surgery: How Seattle Children’s used their real-world data to add 150,000 minutes of OR capacity, reduce length of stay and improve racial equity
Webinar – Enhance the clinician experience with real-time data solutions in AWS Marketplace
Health inequity solutions require data, analytics and awareness turned into action
AdaptX collaborates with AWS to expand Adaptive Clinical Management™ Solution for Health Equity
Podcast, The Lens – Improving Outcomes Using Data
AdaptX Providing Seattle Children's with Enterprise-wide Adaptive Clinical Management™ Solution
British Medical Journal Logo Recovering from COVID – Improving Operating Room Capacity Using Adaptive Clinical Management
Self-Service Analytics Solution Helps Answer Clinicians’ Pressing Questions
AdaptX Hires Lisa Counsell As Chief Commercial Officer
An Opioid-free Anesthesia Protocol for Pediatric Strabismus Surgery
AdaptX raises $6M, changes name from MDMetrix, expands quest for healthcare data insights
AdaptX Receives $6 Million Series A Funding & Name Change from MDmetrix
Seattle Children’s eliminates opioids from Bellevue surgery center
What Is Your Data Trying to Tell You?
Leveraging Data to Improve Health Care
How I do it: The pudendal nerve block for pediatric ambulatory urologic surgery